Anne Boleyn was executed at the Tower of London on May 19, 1536, after being convicted of treason, adultery, and incest — charges widely believed to have been fabricated by her political enemies, including her husband, Henry VIII. She was beheaded on Tower Green, and...
Ghost Stories
Ghost Stories #6
Bethnal Green station was the site of one of the worst single loss of civilian life during the Second World War. During an air raid, as people rushed to safety beneath ground, the entrance became blocked and 170 people were killed in the resulting crush. If you’re...
Ghost Stories #5
"Henry VIII’s wives" The ghost of Catherine Howard is known to haunt Hampton Court In London you can barely move without crossing paths with one of the ghosts of Henry VIII’s wives. In Hampton Court you can find the Haunted Gallery, named for the ghost of Catherine...
Ghost Stories #4
"The ghost of Handel’s House" While preparing the composer Handel’s house in Mayfair for opening as a museum in 2001, the ghost of a woman was repeatedly encountered. The air would thicken and a startlingly tall woman would appear before terrified staff. In the end,...
Ghost Stories #3
"The murdered brother" The Spaniards Inn in Hampstead is a pub so old it’d be weird if it didn’t have a ghost or two. As well as boasting the notorious highwayman Dick Turpin as a regular, the pub has a few regular ghouls as well. It was originally converted into a...
Ghost Stories #2
"The butchered landlord" The Ten Bells in Spitalfields is a pub closely tied to the legend of Jack the Ripper. It is thought that one of his poor victims Annie Chapman had her last drink here before she was murdered. Another of his victims, Mary Kelly, was found...
Ghost Stories #01
“The Victorian lovers” Have your wits about you if you’re taking the old Greenwich foot tunnel beneath the Thames late at night. Many have reported seeing the ghostly apparition of a Victorian couple walking arm and arm towards them before disappearing. Some say they...